The Suck It Up Suicidal Society

Suicide is in the news.

Thank goodness we get a part of the endless news segments that we are subjected to. It’s only when someone really young or someone super famous where suicide gets talked about for more than about 48 hours.

Why do people resort to thoughts of suicide?

Often, many of us don’t see a way out.

I have shared my personal story on here from time to time and I will talk about the negative aspects of doing so. This is what stops people from getting help.

1.  You’re selfish!  How could you do such a thing? Why in the world would you do something like that to hurt your family and the people that love you?

This is the wrong response. If you’ve said this to someone you should get on a phone and apologize to them. Not only have you shamed them for having thoughts that nearly all of us have had, you’ve made sure that the next time they’ve felt bad, that they won’t go to you for help. You’ve just made certain that they will bypass you for that help that they need. So now you’re the person at the your loved ones funeral going, “I didn’t know!”

2.  Why would you do something like that? I didn’t raise you to be weak. People who kill themselves are weak.

Suicide is not weak. There is nothing weak about those who think about it or go through with it. Actually, it’s one of the most brave things you can do. Think about that for a moment....

If you’ve said this to someone you love, call them and apologize for not doing enough to be there for them in this time.

3. But she wasn’t mentally ill?

54% of people who die by suicide are not mentally ill. So what?

I don’t want you to think that it’s your fault that your loved one died if these things happened. However, these things do contribute to the stigma that surrounds suicide. No one wants to talk about it. No one wants to go there.

It is important that you make sure you loved one gets  help.

Suck It Up Society

Suck it up! Move on!

Why do we tell our loved ones to do this? Why do we tell them to suck up situations that are devastating? So your girlfriend dumped you. So you’re a virgin. So you’re getting picked on in school.


Wow. So you mean to tell me that you’ve never thought about these things? You mean to tell me that you’ve never had these feelings of despair? No? You’re either lying or you’re perfect. If you are, then stay away from other imperfect human beings. You’re too much for us to be in your presence. Wake up!

These are the times that you should be examining your loved ones for suicide.

Breakups, loss of job, car repossessions, house foreclosures, history of mental illness, sad and despondent, signs of depression.

You may think that this person is getting over it well, but look closer! 

Sometimes, you’ll find that this person is hiding their symptoms well from you. Know that this is a great possibility, especially if you’ve made one of those comments to your loved one. 

Stop creating barriers for your loved ones. This happens in so many different areas that we don’t actually realize what we’re doing sometimes. I wish I could get into it more, but I will state that we actually create the scenarios for people that we love to lie to us. 

Because we all make mistakes, sometimes we get upset at the things our loved ones do. Sometimes, they are really bad things like a cheating spouse. I’m not saying you don’t get angry, however, depending on how you treat that situation, you will create a barrier for them to lie to you continuously. Because sometimes, they really do feel like they love you and lying to you is just the best way out of a situation. 

You only get one time. One time. Get it wrong, and know that you may be left out the loop forever. Do it right and you could secure their trust. 

Once, my daughter lied to me. It was about something big. She came to me and told me. I was upset but I stayed calm. Not only did she start telling the truth from then on, she hasn’t lied to me since. That’s the kind of trust that I have with a twenty year old.

You only get one shot at getting this right sometimes. That’s all we get in this life.

Look closer. We’re talking about someone’s life. We’re talking about the people you love. They’re worth a closer look, don’t you think?
