Suicide and Chronic Illness.....

Elderly people are very susceptible to entertaining thoughts of suicide especially after a diagnosis or long battle with a chronic illness.

But ANYONE battling with Chronic illness could be at risk for having suicidal thoughts, especially if progression of the illness is deteriorating.

I have a friend that was recently diagnosed with Lupus. It is a horrible auto immune disorder that can damage vital organs in the body.

After dealing with disability issues, family members, friends, loved ones, work/school, feeling like being a burden to others, things can start to look bleak.

If you are suffering from a chronic illness or you know someone who is, here are some things you can do....

1. Find a support group. Yeah I know. Who wants to open up to a bunch of strangers online or in person? But a "community" feeling is important. It really does help to find people who are just like you, to laugh, cry, rant and rave with. Especially for those that don't have the support at home. It does help to talk with those and it makes you feel like you're not alone. My friend with Lupus doesn't know anyone with the disease but now has a host of online friends that she can talk to.

2. Start a blog. It does help to keep track of your feelings, emotions, and hell even your symptoms. Tumblr is a great one and so is blogger because you have the option of making it private or open to the world. My friend started a Lupus blog and she stated that it helps her cope as well as keep track of the way she is feeling on a day to day basis.

3. Do not be afraid to ask for help! Seek out counseling today! It does help.

4. If you know someone that suffers from a chronic illness, become a better friend to that person. Volunteer to do chores, or send a card/gift, or spend some time with that person. Let them know that you care and that they are not alone. The smallest gestures can mean so much.


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