20/20 Special on Suicide and Face Transplants

Friday, ABC aired a special about suicide about a young man that attempted suicide and wound up injuring himself, blowing his face off instead.

I highly recommend the episode for those of you who are thinking of suicide or those who just want to hear an inspirational story about a young man overcoming his demons.

However, I wanted to talk about WHAT HAPPENS after you've pulled the trigger or after you've injured yourself

AS a person who is lucky to have survived a suicide attempt, my instant thought was, "oh no, what have I done?" I was extremely scared. I didn't want to feel pain nor did I want to go out and hurt myself. I took pills. An ungodly amount of pills and survived this event. I remember lying down on the bed, scared out of my mind. Slowly I fell asleep, ready for whatever came next after life.

I woke up in my mother's bed. Nothing happened. Absolutely nothing. I was astounded to see this. I was astounded to wake up. I was astounded to find myself in my mother's bed. It was almost surreal to hear her call me to dinner at that exact moment that I woke up. She had no clue of what I had done.

Honestly? She still doesn't know to this day. She doesn't know that I tried to kill myself at 14 years old. With a bottle of [redacted].

When I saw the story on 20/20 that aired on Friday, November 16,2018, I was taken aback by the story and moved, personally by it.

I thought that this boy was "lucky" because he lived. He literally blew his entire face off. "Dust" is the word the staff used after he shot himself. He'd made comments before that he wanted to kill himself. He stated this to family members and they removed all the guns from his home. However, they missed a gun. His shotgun, which was in his safe. He took this gun, sat in a chair, put the gun under his neck, and blew his face off.

Many people actually miss their brains doing it this way. I feel I must be blunt when speaking about this issue. But yes, it's more likely that if you are thinking of ending your life, you will not succeed in killing yourself. The force of the blast will actually help tip your head backwards, missing your brain, which is where one would one to target to end your life. Because of how he held the gun, he missed his brain completely.

He left himself ALIVE, COMPLETELY DISFIGURED, and in a lot of pain. All three of these things you'd want to avoid if you wanted to make a successful suicide attempt.

What to do?

Instead of spending your time working on how you want to die, I'd like you to spend some time and figure out how to live. 

When I took those pills, I felt myself instantly regretting what I did. It was instant. I began thinking about all the things I would have missed out on. I felt like I cheated myself. I was so young and now I wouldn't know what was going to happen in my life. What if there was something incredible ahead and I was going to miss out? Thank goodness I woke up. 

I woke up.

Wake up before it's too late. If you don't have a reason to live, then you're not looking hard enough. Take a good look in the mirror. That is your reason. You must give yourself a chance first. I hear people say "I've tried everything. I still don't have a reason."

These are usually people that haven't tried everything. Please find a reason to live. Find a temporary reason. Take it one day at a time. One hour at a time if you have to. Whatever you have to do to get on to the next day.
