Suicide Is Not A Selfish Act

Lets get rid of this myth right now kittens, shall we?

Suicide is NOT a selfish act.

It is an act of desperation.

It is a human act, albeit a wrong act to commit but a human act.

For those of you that say that suicide is selfish because of all the people that it leaves behind in its devastation, I'm sorry to say but YOU are the selfish one.

Controversial? Of course it is. Keep reading.

A lot of suicidal feelings follows depression, mental disorders, etc. Suicidal people just aren't well and they need help not judgment!

A lot of times family members and friends didn't even see the suicide coming. Too wrapped up in your own lives? Didn't know what to do? DIdn't want to step on any toes?

Who is the selfish person now?

If you know someone that may be feeling suicidal, don't look down on them. Don't call them selfish and turn your back on them.

They need help.

Get them the help they need before it's too late.

Save your judgment, please.
