Suicide Cocktails: Alcohol and Sleeping Pills

Yet another horrible but very common method that people use to commit suicide.

I thought too that this would be the method for me. I woke up in Intensive Care on dialysis but very much still alive: the opposite of what I wanted to be.

But what can you do?

I took __ of what was left of my friend's sleeping pills. She was pissed when she found out but more so that the bottle that I took was her only prescription. Her doctor wouldn't fill another one for at least thirty days and it was the only thing that made her fall asleep at night. 

Sorry Shana.  I didn't expect to wake up to a bunch of pissed off people but there for the grace of God go I. 

I will need dialysis for the rest of my life for this fucked up decision. Now that I've had some time to reflect, I really didn't want to die. I just wanted someone to tell me that it was okay to live. It's hard to believe that sometimes when the person that you are doesn't really play into what others want you to be. So I wanted someone to tell me that it was okay to be me. I had to learn to like that person in the mirror first and that was a process. But eventually I did. I think she's kind of cool. And I'd like to get to know her better every day. 
