Is Your Child Bullied or a Bully?

Well which is it parent of the year?

You take great pride in your children. You pay attention to what your kids watch on TV. You make sure they eat healthy by hiding vegetables in the spaghetti or whatever clever way Oprah suggested to you for the week.

Your kids don't want for anything and they make pretty good grades in school. So you're doing everything right, correct?

Is your child a bully?

What's that? You don't think so? Not sure?

I find that interesting. This article is not to make you feel bad. But how many of you pay attention to the social interactions that your child has with others? Especially those with other younger siblings in the home.

Is it possible that your child is apart of the problem?

Insecure children are bullies. They look for insecurities in other children and pounce on them.

Not your kid you say?

Stay tuned for part two.
