I'm Tired

When I heard about Whitney Kropp's story on the news, I fist pumped the air. Finally a beacon of hope! She became a personal hero of mines, taking on the bullies and being triumphant. I was in tears the whole day and I wanted to wear a T-shirt with her name so that the world would know who she was and what she did. It was such a courageous step for her to take and she serves as inspiration for many young people today that think about ending their lives.

But my happiness is short-lived when I heard the story of Amanda Todd. Yet another beautiful young person, ripped away from this existence due to bullying.

This is an epidemic. This is a wake up call. If you haven't talked to your children about suicide and bullying, you need to do so at this moment. If you have talked to them then talk to them again. Get in their business. Know who your kids are hanging out with. Find out what they are doing on the internet.

If your child is being bullied, get them professional help. If your child is a bully, get them professional help. Shaking it off by saying Kids will be Kids is tantamount to neglect! Such strong words but I've been doing this for awhile now. The deaths keep coming. They are a constant reminder to our society that enough is not being done.

My daughter had a similar incident with a child that was bullying her. The schools? They couldn't even bother with returning the numerous phone calls that I made. They don't care until it's too late. What will happen when it is too late? The perpetrators won't own up to it. The dead will be called weak and shamed. The schools will bury the deed and then try to move on by bringing in  grievance counselors.

Nothing is ever done and I'm so tired of this nonsense. Be proactive. Be nosy. Know the laws in your state against bullying. If they are too weak, work on legislation to make them stronger.

No more candelight vigils. No more stuffed animal memorials. NO more children lost to suicide.

No more.

I'm fed up. Are you?

It can save a child's life.
