"I Have No Clue What I'm Talking About" And Other Myths

Many of you come to this site through one of my most visited posts....How To Make A Suicide Cocktail

I'm sorry that many of you have progressed to the point where you have decided to take your life for whatever reason. But many of you also assume many things about the author of this post. These are my top three...

1. I don't know what you're going through

You're right. I don't because I don't know you. I believe you must know someone and walk in their shoes for a while before you can firmly say you have an idea of what someone else is going through in their lives. But what you don't know or may have missed in your grief is that I have been suicidal. Not just once. Quite a few times. I've written letters, taken drugs, but I'm still here. (Obviously) This blog was created so that people who know what it's like to want to die to go and get help, or at least read posts from people who have been on that dark side and knows what its like to be drawn to it. Drawn to death and away from the living. Fortunately, I didn't take my life. Sure, I believe that suicidal people never really get over being suicidal. You just learn to cope better with your feelings. It is still an option for many of us but we just don't want to go back to feeling that way.

I know what it is like. I've been where you have been. Please don't assume that my life is easy because it's not. Let's not make assumptions about each other, okay?

2. Because You're Sick with a Chronic Illness, I Don't Know What That Feels Like

Oh but I do. I currently suffer from one of the most painful diseases in the world. I'm also disabled in a wheelchair. Again, you think that I don't know pain? Yeah, I'm sitting up in my mansion writing this blog because I'm bored. No. I also know what it is like to have a chronic illness that will never go away and will never get better. It may even take my life. Yet here I sit....blogging about suicide and trying to convince you to not take the Exit.

3. My Life is Fine, What do I know?

Life is like that. It waxes and wanes with the good and the bad. I'm engaged to be married and I have a child. Well, sometimes life is good and then it can be bad. It's all in how you cope with things. It's all about you. Many times I have gotten letters from people who stated that they wanted to kill themselves because of issues of work or their relationships. It's not cool to tell someone that what they are going through is nothing. However, you should put things in perspective. If you don't want me to tell you that you have nothing to complain about, don't tell me that. It's all about mutual respect.
