Why You Shouldn't See, "The Forest"; A Horror Film Dealing with 'Suicide Forest' Aokigahara Forest in Japan

The story is set in the Aokigahara Forest, an exisiting forest at the northwest base of Mount Fuji in Japan where people go to end their lives. Against this backdrop, Sara (Natalie Dormer), a young American woman comes in search of her twin sister, who has mysteriously disappeared. Despite everyone's warnings not to "stray from the path," Sara dares to enter the forest to discover the truth about her sister's fate, only to be confronted by the angry and tormented souls of the dead who now prey on anyone who crosses their paths.


This forest is a common place for suicides in Japan. The beautiful trees and the smells of the forest are some of the last things the suicidal see before they take their own lives. The things those trees have seen. The leaves...the branches. They've seen the desperation and the pain that some of these people shed as they shed their bodies and enter into eternity.

I didn't say that to sound melodramatic. It's the truth.

However, too many people have taken heir lives here and for Hollywood to make a movie about this place, exploiting the souls of so many lost people is just out of this world disrespectful.

If your loved one took his or her life here, would you like to remember them as some ridiculous plot twist in a movie? Would you like to think of them as some spirit just trying to harass and scare the living? Of course not. When I saw the trailer for this movie, I was appalled. I am tempted to start a petition about it because suicide is not something that should be made fun of or profited off of. Suicides are people too. They aren't vengeful spirits that want to take their lives out on beautiful white women that just happen to be strolling through Japan.

This movie is an outrage and those that have lost their family members here should not have to see the Hollywood version of ghosts roaming around trying to kidnap beautiful blondes. Its horrific that someone thought that this would make a good movie! Suicide is nothing to play with. Some of you have had people that you know that have died by their own hands. Do you remember them as spirits like in a Christmas Carol, carrying chains in the afterlife? Or are they spirits that terrorize people in forests for Hollywood fodder? Or perhaps you remember them as your friends and loved ones? You remember the special times that you had with them and you see them in death  as you did  in life? As people! 

 I don't believe in censorship, however, I will not be going to support this movie and I plead with you to do the same.

Let's spend our time and energy and prevent suicide instead of exploiting it.
